ESL Program
Philosophy and Vision
Leakey ISD believes in excellence for all ESL students. The district is committed to addressing the needs of students who are identified as English Language Learners (ELL) and to provide an equal educational opportunity for all identified students through English as a second language (ESL) program by providing the research-based framework and support needed for all students to reach their full potential.
Believing in excellence for all, Leakey ISD will guarantee the highest level of academic achievement and character development of each learner by providing challenging curriculum and exemplary instruction that encourages respect for English and native languages as well as multicultural values within a safe environment.
The purpose of this mission is to foster the development of biliterate students who can achieve success academically and socially as they transition to mainstream English instruction.
In this global world a biliterate person can achieve success in education, business, and everyday living.
Core Values and Critical Attributes
The ESL program in Leakey ISD are research based and center on best practices for second language learners.
Students enrolled in our ESL education program will achieve true biliteracy at the highest levels.
Our ESL education program will prevent or close academic achievement gaps between English Language Learners (ELLs) and non ELLs.
Our ESL Education graduates will be prepared to succeed academically and to become full and productive members of society.
Leakey ISD values equally the languages and cultures of all students and their families.
The parents of our students as well as the community in general are active partners in the education of our students.
Our central office and staff provides leadership, credibility, and respect for the program.
Guiding Principles
Our ESL program will acknowledge individual student academic development and linguistic proficiency level through differentiated instruction while maintaining a rigorous curriculum.
Our ESL program will have the flexibility of adjusting to individual and cultural differences among children.
Our ESL program will develop the full repertoire of linguistic skills.
Our ESL program will respect and value the students’ home language and culture.
Our ESL program will teach second language through sheltered instruction and academic content.
Our ESL program will foster biliteracy.
Leakey ISD recognizes teachers and administrators need ongoing and sustained professional development and support.
Excellence Indicators
Ensure that all students demonstrate acceleration and academic growth through cognitively challenging academic work in the student’s first language along with meaningful academic content taught through the second language (English).
Ensure that all students will successfully transition to all English mainstream classrooms within the guidelines of the Leakey ISD ESL Education program model.
Demonstrate high levels of academic achievement and full academic proficiency in their native language and in English.
Campus environment reflects the value and importance of both languages.
Student work in both languages. All students and staff have access to appropriate resources in both languages.

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